Distinction of Representations using Buildings for p-adic Groups (1551)
Distinction des représentations utilisant des bâtiments pour les groupe p-adic
Dates: 14-25 March 2016 at CIRM (Marseille Luminy, France)
P. Broussous and F. Courtes have used buildings to prove a conjecture of
Dipendra Prasad, Duke Math. J. (2001) regarding the distinction of the Steinberg representation of G( E) by G( F) where E /F is a quadratic extension of p-adic fields. The proof, although still not in all cases, uses novel application of Harmonic The proposed research in pairs involves Prasad, Broussous and Courtes BIBLIOGRAPHY
(1) D. Prasad: On a conjecture of Jacquet about distinguished representations of GL(n), Duke Math Journal, vol. 109, N°1, (2001), pp. 67 – 78. (2) P. Broussous, F. Courtes, Distinction of the Steinberg representation. Int. Math. Res. Notices, (2014), no. 11, pp. 3140-3157. (3) F. Courtes, Distinction of the Steinberg representation II: an equality of characters; to appear in Forum Mathematicum. (4) F. Courtes, Distinction of the Steinberg representation III; the tamely ramified case; preprint. |
* In Memoriam
Regrettably François Courtès passed away in September 2016 – Tribute on Cédric Villani ‘s blog – Tribute by the World Cube Association, Francocube and Speedcubingfrance. |