2024, Semester 2
Benoit COLLINS (Chair) and Nizar DEMNI (Local Project Leader)
Random matrices, representation theory and quantum information
Matrices aléatoires, théorie des représentations et information quantique
July to December 2024
Benoit Collins is a French researcher, with permanent residency in Japan and Canada, and an international carreer. His works evolve around Random Matrix Theory and their applications, envolving Free Probability, Quantum Information Theory, Operator Algebras, Probability Theory, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Groups, Asymptotic representation theory, and may therefore be qualified as interdisciplinary. Weingarten calculus may be cited as one of his important contributions. His scientific contribution is extremely impressive: awards in Canada and Japan as a young researcher, and invited speaker at the ICM 2022; 69 published papers, including in Annals o fMathematics, Inventiones… His major contributions qualify him as a leading expert in his interdisciplinary field. He has completed supervision of 6 PhDstudents and 7 post-docs.
Nizar Demni is Maître de Conférences (ou Associate Professor) at Aix-Marseille University. His research topics lie at the crossroad between stochastic processes, random matrices, Differential geometry and operator algebras. He published more than fifty publications in excellent journals, as well as two books. He was also member of various research projects and deputy head of the analysis group in the mathematical institute of Marseille (I2M). He organized several international scientific events and supervised tw Ph. D. students.
By the virtue of the large scope covered by Benoit Collins research papers and tied with random matrix theory, our proposal will be concerned with the following selected and important topics where random matrices play a prominent role: representation theory, quantum information theory and random graphs.
This choice is not only motivated by the intensive and growing research in these areas but also aims to bring together members of different groups from the Mathematical Institute of Marseille (I2M) such as Probability, representation theory and dynamical systems. Moreover, since quantum information theory is a central research area for both theoretical and applied scientists, our proposal will be an excellent opportunity to attract our colleagues from Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT) and from Laboratoire d’Informatique et Systèmes. Doing so, we strongly wish to create fruitful interactions between members of different institutes of Aix-Marseille University while benefiting from the random matrix techniques developed by Benoit Collins and his collaborators to solve outstanding problems in quantum information theory.
The planned events are:
Random quantum channels: entanglement and entropies
Canaux quantiques aléatoires: Intrication et entropies
8 – 12 July 2024
Spectra of large graphs: localization and delocalization
Spectres de grands graphes: localisation et delocalisation
8 – 12 July, 2024
Mathematical foundations of machine learning
Fondements mathématiques de l’apprentissage automatique
16 July, 2024
Bridges between Machine Learning and Quantum Information Science
Intéractions entre apprentissage statistique et information quantique
9 – 10 September, 2024
Aspects algébriques des matrices aléatoires
7 – 11 October 2024
Random hyperbolic surfaces and random graphs
Surfaces hyperboliques et graphes aléatoires
25 – 29 November 2024
Deformations of determinantal point processes
Déformations de processus ponctuels déterminantaux
30 September – 4 October 2024
Guests in residence during the semester
Invités du semestre