Thermodynamic Formalism: Dynamical Systems, Statistical Properties and their Applications (2109)
Formalisme thermodynamique : Systèmes dynamiques, propriétés statistiques et leurs applications
Dates: 9-13 December 2019
Place: CIRM (Marseille Luminy, France)
The proposal is to have a major conference concentrating on recent advances in Thermodynamic Formalism. There has not been a major meeting focused specifically on this topic in recent years and so, given the speed of progress in the area, it seems particularly timely.

This is an established area which has seen some significant and exciting developments in recent years. The emphasis would be on recent developments and their implications for future research.

The themes will be:
(1) Transfer operators and anisotropic Banach spaces
(2) Gibbs measures and Geometry
(3) Moduli spaces and flows
(4) Probability measures and statistical properties
(5) Fractal Geometry

This conference will bring together experts in Thermodynamic Formalism and specialists in related areas to review the current state of the subject and its myriad applications. This is an active and fast evolving area of research with applications to a multitude of other areas, including probability theory, hyperbolic geometry, and fractal geometry.