Due to the Covid-19 epidemics, this workshop could not take place in residence, as originally intended.
Varieties with Trivial Canonical Class
Variétés de la classe canonique triviale
Dates: 06-10 April 2020 (pre-recordings) & 13-17 April 2020 (problem and discussion sessions)
Varieties with Trivial Canonical Class
Variétés de la classe canonique triviale
Dates: 06-10 April 2020 (pre-recordings) & 13-17 April 2020 (problem and discussion sessions)
The workshop aims at reviewing the recent decomposition theorem for singular varieties with trivial canonical class. The decomposition theorem is the culmination of the efforts of several mathematicians, and the workshop Varieties with Trivial Canonical Class brings together many of the researchers who contributed to the proof of it. We will also have some talks on the geometry of hyperkähler varieties.
Introductory interview
A decomposition theorem for singular spaces with trivial canonical class
Holonomy of singular Ricci-flat metrics
A splitting theorem
Structure theory for singular varieties with trivial canonical divisor
Rational curves and contraction loci on holomorphic symplectic manifolds