Analysis of Nematic Liquid Crystals Flows (2577)
Analyse des flux de cristaux liquides nématiques
Dates: 25-29 April 2022
Place: CIRM (Marseille Luminy, France)
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The continuum theory of nematic liquid crystals was developed by J. Ericksen and F. Leslie in their pioneering  work in the 1960s. Their theory models nematic liquid crystal flow from a hydrodynamic point of view and describes the evolution of the velocity of the fluid, as well as the orientation of the so-called director. General liquid crystal materials are described by the Landau – de Gennes theory from a unified point of view. The Ericksen-Leslie model can furthermore be understood from a thermodynamical perspective.
This workshop aims to bring together experts in the field of liquid crystal flows to enhance dialogue and discussions between various research communities investigating liquid crystal models by geometric or fluid-type approaches. 

Of special interest are:

* weak and strong well-posedness of the Ericksen-Leslie model subject to general Leslie and general Ericksen stress

* determination of equilibria and long-time behaviour of solutions 

* Q-tensor models with general tumbling and alignment effects 

* thermodynamical consistency