IMPORTANT WARNING: Scam / Phishing / SMiShing ! Note that ill-intentioned people may be trying to contact some of participants by email or phone to get money and personal details, by pretending to be part of the staff of our conference center (CIRM). CIRM and the organizers will NEVER contact you by phone on this issue and will NEVER ask you to pay for accommodation/ board / possible registration fee in advance. Any due payment will be taken onsite at CIRM during your stay.
This workshop focuses on the applications of the Discrete Duality Finite Volume (DDFV for short) method first developed for anisotropic elliptic problems on general meshes. DDFV methods have been introduced in the late 90’s to approximate linear elliptic problems on general meshes. The method has been extended to a wide range of applications:
The good properties of DDFV have been extensively tested in the benchmarks 2D, 3D and NS. The DDFV technique has now been applied in many applications in biology like image smoothing or edge detection or cell migration or neuroscience, in the design of semi-conductor devices, weather forecast and to mathematical finance. This workshop will be the occasion for the DDFV community to gather and investigate new potential application areas. |