– Lists of organizing committee and scientific committee members can differ for each event.
– Please make sure as much as possible that a gender balance is being achieved amongst the participants and most of all, the speakers, during your events.

The Scientific programme must include the following information:
CONFERENCE (60-90 people):
Title and detailed description of the event. Also indicate, in order of preference, three possible calendar weeks at the top of the detailed description of your event. 
List of tentative speakers and list of tentative participants (international, of all genders and with diverse experience, i.e PhDs, Postdocs, Early career researchers, more seasoned researchers). 

RESEARCH SCHOOL (60-90 people):
Title and detailed description of the event. Also indicate, in order of preference, three possible calendar weeks at the top of the detailed description of your event. 
List of tentative speakers and list of tentative participants (international, of all genders and with diverse experience, i.e PhDs, Postdocs, Early career researchers, more seasoned researchers). Note that at least half the participants in the event should be young researchers. 

WORKSHOP I (20-40 people): Title, detailed description and indication of 3 possible dates or possible months.
List of tentative speakers and list of tentative participants (international, of all genders and with diverse experience, i.e PhDs, Postdocs, Early career researchers, more seasoned researchers). 

(OPTIONAL) WORKSHOP II (20-40 people): Title, detailed description and indication of 3 possible dates / possible months.
List of tentative speakers and list of tentative participants (international, of all genders and with diverse experience, i.e PhDs, Postdocs, Early career researchers, more seasoned researchers). 

RESEARCH IN PAIRS I: Title, detailed description and indication of a  favourite month.

RESEARCH IN PAIRS II (OPTIONAL): Title, detailed description and indication of a favourite month.

NB: If you would like to ensure that events can follow each other (e.g. you want a two-week research in pairs to end just before the research school to enable a guest to be a speaker during that third week) please let us know from the application stage.