Géométrie, topologie et théorie des groupes de petites dimensions
January-June 2018
This semester focuses on the interplay between geometric group theory and geometric topology in low-dimensions. There have recently been significant advances obtained by intertwining the two fields, and there is currently an incredible amount of research being done in this direction. Hyperbolic groups, relatively hyperbolic groups, groups with planar boundary, and group representations are topics which will be investigated by the Chair and her collaborators over this six-month intensive research stay. The large conference in February, « Structure of 3-manifold Groups », focuses on how to determine if a group is the fundamental group of a 3-manifold and also studies structures on groups inspired by structures on 3-manifolds. It features an array of speakers from around the world working on this topics. The Research school on « 3-manifolds and Geometric Group Theory » is aimed at advanced graduate students and early researchers, and strives to bring participants up-to-date on recent developments, provide depth in the individual fields, and highlight the ways that the fields interact. The international faculty lecturing, or « Seminars », will be assisted by teaching assistants. The final workshop on « Boundaries of Groups » brings together researchers working on a variety of answers to the fundamental question: What can the boundary of a group tell us about the group structure? |
Chair > Prof. Genevieve WALSH
Genevieve Walsh is Associate Professor at Tufts University, Boston, where she specializes in topology, runs the Geometric Group Theory and Topology Seminar, and lectures on ‘Hyperbolic Spaces and Hyperbolic Groups’. She already has a strong collaboration with colleagues in Marseille and has experience in co-organizing a number of conferences. Local Project Leader > Prof. Luisa PAOLUZZI
Luisa Paoluzzi is Full Professor at the Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille. A graduate from Trieste University and SISSA where she earned her PhD, she has worked in several universities and regions in France then joined the University in Marseille. Her research interests involve 3-dimensional hyperbolic geometry and topology, knot theory and group theory. |
Structure of 3-manifold Groups (1904)
Structure des groupes de 3-variétés 26 February – 2 March 2018 |
3-manifolds and Geometric Group Theory (1905)
3-variétés et théorie géométrique des groupes 11-15 June 2018 |
Boundaries of Groups (1906)
Bords de groupes 18-22 June 2018 |
Organized with PhD students
Aix-Marseille University – Marseille St Charles Campus |
Non-Planar Actions of Groups and Relatively Hyperbolic Poincaré Duality Groups (1907)
12-23 March 2018 |
Acute Triangulations and Lassos (1908)
12-23 February 2018 |
Guests in residence during the semester
Invités du semestre |
Relatively Hyperbolic Groups with Planar Boundaries – Seminar at IHES
14 May 2018 |