Kinetic Theory: Analysis, Computation and Applications
Théorie cinétique: analyse, calcul et applications
​January to June 2021
​- Semester impacted by Covid-19 –

Prof. Shi JIN
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shi Jin works at the Institute of Natural Sciences of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research lies in the fields of computational fluid dynamics, hyperbolic conservation laws, kinetic equations, high frequency wave simulation, computational physics and computational methods for multiscale problems, uncertainty quantification, etc.
Local Project Leader
> Prof. Mihai BOSTAN
I2M, Aix-Marseille Université
Mihai Bostan works at the I2M Maths Institute of Aix-Marseille University. His research interests include kinetic and gyro-kinetic models as well as multi-scale methods. 

Click on the blue button to find out detailed information on each event.
HYBRID EVENT (due to Covid-19)
​Scaling Limits from Microscopic to Macroscopic Physics (2354)
Limites asymptotiques de la physique microscopique vers la physique macroscopique

18-22 January 2021
5 videos available for this event!
VIRTUAL EVENT (due to Covid-19)
​Kinetic Equations: From Modeling Computation to Analysis (2355)
Equations cinétiques : Modélisation, Simulation et Analyse

22-26 March 2021
19 videos available for this event!
HYBRID EVENT (due to Covid-19)
Numerical Methods for Kinetic Equations (2356)
Méthodes numériques pour les équations cinétiques

​14-18 June 2021
Mean-field Limit and Computation in Kinetic Theory (2357)
Limite de champ moyen et simulation dans la théorie cinétique
Gyrokinetic Models : Analysis and Computation
Modèles gyro-cynétiques : analyse et simulation

7-11 June 2021
Guests in residence during the semester
Invités du semestre