Singularity Theory from Modern Perspectives
Théorie des singularités : perspectives nouvelles
July to December 2021
Théorie des singularités : perspectives nouvelles
July to December 2021
Javier Fernandez de Bobadilla works in Singularity Theory and Algebraic Geometry. His interests lie in arc spaces, normal surface singularities, geometry of degenerating families (from a topological, geometric and cohomological viewpoints), intersection cohomology and its variations, Lipschitz geometry, characteristic classes of singular spaces and other aspects of geometry and topology of algebraic varieties.
Local Project Leader
> Prof Anne PICHON Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, Aix-Marseille Université Anne Pichon is Professor at Aix-Marseille University, and has been a member of the Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille since 2015. She is also the current director of the Research Federation of Mathematical Units of Marseille.
Her research areas englobe topology and geometry of singular spaces and morphisms, algebraic geometry, and topology in small dimensions. She is currently the Coordinator of the French National Research Agency’s project « ANR LISA Project – Lipschitz Geometry of Singularities ». |
Click on the blue button to find out detailed information on each event.
HYBRID EVENT (due to Covid-19)
Lipschitz Geometry: New Methods and Applications (2572) Géométrie Lipschitz : nouvelles méthodes et applications 5-9 July 2021 |
Non-Archimedean Methods in Lipschitz Geometry (2573)
Méthodes non-archimédiennes en géométrie Lipschitz Part 1: 28 June to 2 July 2021 Part 2: 25 to 29 October 2021 |
HYBRID EVENT (due to Covid-19)
Milnor Fibrations, Degenerations and Deformations from Modern Perspectives (2570) Fibrations de Milnor, dégénérescences et déformations : perpectives modernes 6-10 September 2021 |
5 videos available for this event!
Floer and Symplectic Homology and Contact Loci in Arc Spaces (2574)
Homologies de Floer et symplectique et lieux de contact dans les espaces d’arcs 13-24 September 2021 |
HYBRID EVENT (due to Covid-19)
Faces of Singularity Theory (2571) Visages de la théorie des singularités 22-26 November 2021 |
Guests in residence during the semester
Invités du semestre |
Students, Post docs and researchers from the local University meet guests from the programme of invitations
Thursday 18 November 2021 |
Art and Singularities: Crossing Conversations
by artist Sylvie Pic |