Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems and Related Topics
Systèmes dynamiques hyperboliques et sujets reliés
November 2013 – April 2014
Systèmes dynamiques hyperboliques et sujets reliés
November 2013 – April 2014
The scientific focus of this Chair was on hyperbolic dynamical systems and related topics. This is a broad and active area of research throughout the world which is on one hand at the core of Boris Hasselblatt’s research record and interests and on the other hand well represented in the Marseille region.
Moreover, hyperbolic dynamics has broad interactions with numerous other areas of dynamical systems and mathematics: partial differential equations viewed as infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, celestial mechanics, statistical mechanics, geometry (of nonpositively curved manifolds),Teichmüller theory, topology, to name a few. In addition, hyperbolic dynamics is important to a broad range of subjects in applied mathematics. |
Click on the blue button to find out detailed information on each event.
Hyperbolicity and Dimension (1071)
02-06 December 2013 |
Young Mathematicians in Dynamical Systems (1097)
25-29 November 2013 |
School on Geometry and Dynamics (1129)
31 March-04 April 2014 |
Weak Contact Flows and Transverse Rigidity (1276)
03-14 March 2014 Hyperbolic and Parabolic Dynamics (1307) Periodic Orbits of Contact Anosov Flows on Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds (1385) Hilbert Geometries (1267) |
Guests in residence during the semester
Invités du semestre |